Izdelki za aksiom naprodaj (11)

Bore heads for cup hinges

Bore heads for cup hinges

Drill heads for cup hinges
Allen NGT 4+

Allen NGT 4+

Modell Allen NGT 4+ maximale Druckbildgröße getacktet 107 x 90 mm maximale Druckbildgröße kontinuierlich 107 x 1000 mm Modell:Allen NGT 4+ maximale Druckbildgröße getacktet:107 x 90 mm maximale Druckbildgröße kontinuierlich:107 x 1000 mm
Natančno CNC obdelovanje

Natančno CNC obdelovanje

High-precision CNC machining services for complex components and prototypes.
Monitor kakovosti notranjega zraka

Monitor kakovosti notranjega zraka

AiM-x version, which can monitor air quality in product and food warehouses with artificial intelligence-supported sensor learning, offers user-specific solutions. AiM-x utilizes ML (Machine Learning) Technology to measure Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs), Volatile Sulfur Compounds(VSCs) and the other gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen levels. Thanks to the mobile application, you can receive notifications wherever you are in the world. In addition, the voice warning system of the mobile application warns you in unusual situations. Aim-x can be easily integrated into smart building or facility automations, food warehouses and ventilation and air conditioning systems. It can be used as a precaution against fire or smoke poisoning.


Avtomatska omara za bobne

Avtomatska omara za bobne

Automatic Drum Cabinet
CV-2688-12 - Lepilo za film z nadzorovano volatilnostjo

CV-2688-12 - Lepilo za film z nadzorovano volatilnostjo

"Para aplicações eletrônicas e espaciais que exigem baixa liberação de gases e condensáveis ​​voláteis mínimos para evitar condensação em dispositivos sensíveis. Para colagem ou vedação de elastômeros de silicone e alguns metais ou plásticos"
Okrogle vrtalne glave

Okrogle vrtalne glave

Round drill heads
Indukcijske kalilne naprave

Indukcijske kalilne naprave

Induction hardening machines
Frezirni stroji

Frezirni stroji

Milling machines
Zapleteno Obdelovanje

Zapleteno Obdelovanje

Advanced machining services for intricate and complex parts.